SAFETY FIRST We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our nursery. Learn More

About Us
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

Arbor Green Nursery is a nursery that believes every day is a learning day and that learning is all around us. We pride ourselves on ensuring that all children are coming into a safe, loving, caring environment where they are stimulated, valued and listened to. Creating positive, caring relationships based on trust and respect are at the heart of our philosophy.
Just like Friedrich Foebel we’ve built a garden as we also feel children learn best through self-activity, rich first-hand experience, problem-solving, play and talk. We wish to enable all children to develop their capabilities as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors to society.
Arbor Green Nursery wants to transform the lives of the children and families we work with, by creating a nursery that feels like home with an extended and supportive family environment. One in which everyone can learn, grow and experience outdoor learning in the heart of the city.
Our Philosophy
Arbor Green supports the children within our care, protects them from maltreatment and has robust procedures in place to prevent the impairment of children’s health and development. Along with our Covid-19 policies and procedures our health and safety policies have always been to provide a secure and safe environment for all children. Here are just a few examples of measures we have in place.
All staff must have their Disclosure Scotland clearance, register with the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 and attend child protection training along with Paediatric First Aid training.
The nursery has CCTV surveillance comprising of a number of fixed cameras inside and outside the nursery to promote the health and safety of children, staff and visitors along with protecting the nursery building and resources.
Written risk assessments are carried out and reviewed regularly with all outings away from the nursery individually risk assessed and adequately staffed with paediatric first aid trained practitioners.
For more information regarding our policies please email us.