‘Arbor, Arbor Green,
We keep the plant clean.
We sort the rubbish into bins,
And don’t forget the tins
*Tune to row row, row your boat*
Our new Eco-school journey has begun! The children have been engaged with completing our environmental pictorial review which led us to determine that our new topics are Energy, Water, Litter and Waste! We will be working to achieve this in the next 2 years and would love it if you could help and be part of our eco-committee. I’d like to thank all parents who have already contributed their ideas and time on how we can successfully achieve our goals and who are already part of our committee – you are amazing!

#ecoschool #kidsgardening #arborgreennursery #ecokids #kidsactivities #gardentotable #outdoorkids #earlyyears #education #gogreen #recycling
